We are delighted to be teaming up with Shane Simcox of Simcox Rehabilitation to pilot a six week ‘Exercising for the Brain’ group.
This group is for people with dementia and family members are welcome to attend.
Exercise for people with dementia has been shown to be beneficial for their physical and mental health. The group will focus on exercises that improve balance, co-ordination, range of movement and resistance. Shane specialises in exercise rehabilitation classes for people with neurological conditions and he will grade the exercises to suit individual abilities.
There will also be a social element to the group and we hope it will be enjoyable – there will be time for tea, coffee and a chat after the group
We will be holding a meet and greet session on Tuesday 24th March 3.30-4pm in Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre. This will be an opportunity for Shane to meet participants which will help him tailor the programme.
The six week pilot will then begin on Tuesday 31st March and will run for six consecutive Tuesdays in Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre finishing up on Tuesday 5th May. It will run from 3-4pm (Approx 40 mins for exercise, 20 mins for refreshments and chat)
Places for are limited for this group and we expect it to be popular so please get in touch to express your interest as soon as possible. Once you express your interest we will send you an application form and a medical clearance form to be completed by your GP.
A voluntary contribution of €5 per week would be appreciated.
Please note that unlike Singing for the Brain this group is not open to anyone in the community. Rather it is for people with dementia (and one family member/friend if required)