We are piloting a six week Exercising for the Brain group in September for people with dementia.

Shane Simcox of Simox Rehabilitation will be facilitating the sessions. Shane specialises in exercise rehabilitation classes for people with neurological conditions and the group will focus on exercises that improve balance, co-ordination, range of movement and strength.

The first session will be a ‘Meet and Greet’ session where we will get together on Tuesday 6th September 2.30 – 3. It will be very informal and will be a chance to meet each other and help Shane plan for the upcoming six weeks.

The six week group then commences on Tuesday 13th September 2.30-3.30 and will run for six consecutive Tuesdays until Tuesday 18th October

We are keeping the group small so there will be an opportunity for Shane to tailor exercises to meet the varying abilities. Family members can attend with the person with dementia

The venue is yet to be confirmed but it will be taking place in Mallow.

To book a place just email sheena.cadoo@hse.ie and I will send out an application form.