We are delighted to be working with the HSE Cork North Community Work Department and the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland to bring you a FREE Dementia Information Evening which is being held in Midleton Park Hotel, East Cork on Wednesday the 11th of May from 7-9pm.
Speakers include:
Marguerite Keating – Living with Dementia & member of IDWG
Helena Quaid – Family Carer
Dr Denis Curtin – Consultant Geriatrician, CUH
Amy Murphy – Dementia Advisor
The evening is open to anyone living with a diagnosis of dementia, family carers, home helps, professionals or those with an interest in learning more about dementia. Information stands will also be available.
To register go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dementia-information-evening-tickets-311002064547