Monthly Archives: January 2023
Talk on the Fair Deal at the Newmarket Alzheimer Cafe, 2nd February
Written on January 23, 2023 at 12:23 pm, by ncdaadmin
The next Newmarket Alzheimer Café is taking place on Thursday 2nd February, 11am-1pm in The Culturlann, Newmarket, P51 D854. The topic is The Fair Deal (Nursing Home Support Scheme) with Tom Murray. To book a place email or contact Karen Fitzpatrick, 087 348 7511.
Gentle Yoga for relatives of people with dementia, Mallow
Written on January 23, 2023 at 12:17 pm, by ncdaadmin
We are piloting a six week gentle yoga/support group for relatives of people with dementia. This group will take place in Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre 7-8.30pm, beginning on Wednesday 25th January. It will be facilitated by the yoga instructor Wendy Griffin. The yoga session will be gentle (no lying) and will focus on wellbeing. It Continue Reading »